Boree woodlands (Acacia pendula) are special. Most of them have been lost, usually grazed-out or cropped-over, and what’s left needs looking after. The Riverina region of New South Wales has some beautiful remaining stands.
The striking Painted Honeyeater (Grantiella picta) loves the Grey Mistletoe (Amyema quandang) that Boree trees often support. This ‘Near-Threatened’ woodland bird heralds the arrival of spring with its ‘see-saw’ call.
There are plenty around in the Riverina this summer, even within townships like Coleambally. Along many of the Boree-Grey Mistletoe roadsides, you’ll hear their sweet songs that help you track them down. It’s definitely worth taking the time to get a good look.
Painted Honeyeater photo by David Webb.